Hawaii - meeting locals
It's hard to believe that we've been here a month already. To be honest, this move has been a little tough for me. It's not like I'm a stranger to moving - in 14 years, I have moved locations (states or apartments) eleven times! I think this time has been a little harder because I don't have a firm idea of what the future holds for me/us.
Lo got a really good job offer before we left Florida, which we are thrilled about but it means that our roles are changing. When she starts her training in January, I will be taking care of the Toddler during the week. I've been looking for a part-time weekend job. I've applied for all kinds of jobs (stocker, customer service, cashier, Admin Assistant, greeter) and I've gotten a few responses but no job offer yet. It's frustrating.
With the setbacks I've had since I've been here (quarantine, car delivery delay, no furniture yet, swollen feet), not finding a job is just another thing making me question if I made the right decision to move here. I'm trying to have faith that God has a plan but my own insecurities keep getting in the way.
Yesterday, we went to the mall to walk around, which we've been doing alot because the malls are usually air conditioned and our apartment is not. We stopped by the food court to share a meal. It was packed! Masks everywhere but social distancing was a little hard. As we were looking for a table, a local couple motioned us over - they had two extra seats. They told us that they would watch our stuff and the Toddler so we could walk around the food court to see what was there. It sounds a little risky now but we took them up on their offer. When we got back, we spent the next hour or so talking to them. They were so nice! They gave us a bunch of advice on how to get furniture and what places to visit. When they left, the guy (Chris) said just trust Akua (Hawaiian for God) - He always has a path. Chris went on to say "today Akua brought you in our path and He'll continue to put you in the right place". I felt immediately comforted by his words because it echos what my family and friends have been saying. I guess I need to start looking at my life as a puzzle and, while some of the pieces quickly fit together, some other pieces may take a little longer to fall into place.
Well, it's midnight here and I was heading to bed but the Toddler just came out of the bedroom. I imagine I'm in for an hour or so of kid videos until she falls back to sleep.
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